
Fresh Tri, the new healthy eating app wants to set a new healthcare trend


New mobile apps, designed to help manage medical conditions or improve the quality of everyday life, are frequently seen all over the healthcare IT section of the news. People have become adept at using these apps, and appreciate the novelty and applicability, whether they are built for people to manage their medical problems, or to get useful information about their sleep, exercise, and more.

In essence, health related mobile apps is one of the major healthcare trends that’s here to stay,   fueling the digital transformation of healthcare. There is no doubt that the artificial intelligence powering these apps represents not only the future of the healthcare industry, but also the present.

We already have apps for almost all aspects of health-related activities: some count calories, others prepare diets and approve grocery lists. We also have apps to measure how long we sleep, how much water we drink, and even some personal shoppers, that help us have fresh organic food delivered to our houses.

What healthy eating app Fresh Tri promises to do differently, is related to how our brain works.  

Basically, all apps, until now, have concentrated on what you do wrong, telling you to correct certain behaviors. Unfortunately, the human brain really doesn’t like being told what to do, so no app has managed to close the gap between what people want to do and what they actually end up doing. The healthy eating app seeks to close that brain behavior gap by encouraging people to iterate good behavior.

Fresh Tri launch was announced on September 18th, at the Health 2.0 conference in Silicon Valley, by David Hoke, Sr. Director, Associate Health and Well-being at Walmart and Kyra Bobinet, MD MPH, CEO of engagedIN.

“We’re launching [Fresh Tri] this week broadly to our associates nationwide and then we’ll be in front of consumers as well as part of an event we’re doing nationally next Saturday,” said Hoke. He added, “The barriers to healthy eating are not educational. They are behavioral. The iterative mindset is really powerful. If we can help them unlock that in their brain, then they’re going to be successful, not just at work but at home and every opportunity in front of them.”

According to a recent blog post from world renowned cardiologist and successful healthcare innovator, Simon Stertzer, “When current methods are leading to poor results and high levels of risk, it becomes time to look for a new solution.”

About FreshTri

Fresh Tri is a practice and iteration game that invites users to test drive healthy habits, removing the guesswork and feelings of failure so you can iterate your way to success. There is no “fail’ – only practice and iteration. While most methods fail to deliver on their promise, Fresh Tri won’t leave you feeling like you did something wrong. It is a simple, positive approach based on the brain science of habit formation.

About engagedIN

engagedIN is a Santa-Cruz-based neuroscience-based design firm focused on behavior change through a combination of science, design, and technology. Founded in 2013, the firm has become the secret sauce of innovators within the Fortune 500. engagedIN solves the brain-behavior gap by combining the latest research with a compassionate design approach to increase engagement and behavior change at scale.

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